Watch the Surreal Animated Video for Bob Marley’s ‘Redemption Song’
The clip is the first installment in a year-long celebration of late legend’s 75th birthday
The Marley family, Universal Music and Island Records have teamed up to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Bob Marley & the Wailers’ “Redemption Song” with an inspirational video.
Created by French artists Octave Marsal and Theo De Gueltzl, the clip features nearly 3,000 original drawings that represent the song’s message of emancipation. Jamaican imagery fills the screen as a powerful lion wears a crown, eventually growing wings and flying away from a kingdom. Marley can be seen strumming an acoustic guitar filled with flowers.
“From the history of Slavery and Jamaica, Rastafarian culture, a legacy of prophets (Haile Selassie the 1st, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X), as well as Bob’s personal life, we take the audience on a journey through allegories and representations,” the artists said in a statement.
Released in October 1980, “Redemption Song” was featured on Marley’s final album, Uprising. He died the following year from cancer. The clip is the first installment of “Marley75,” a year-long celebration of the late reggae legend’s birthday, who would have turned 75 years old on February 6th. Upcoming YouTube videos of previously unreleased material will be dropped throughout the year, encompassing music, art, photography and more